The German Pharmacy Museum
located in the Castle of Heidelberg

Logo Deutsches Apotheken-Museum

Gourmet Evening in the Museum

A culinary blend of pharmacy and court cuisine (Museum tour plus dinner)

Enjoy the culinary delights of the world of herbs and spices, proffered by the German Pharmacy Museum and the Castle Catering Service.

Delicious medicine and sumptous food: Lavish customs and practices of the Renaissance era endorsed the use of aromatic herbs and exotic spices for both health care and culinary delights. Saffron and cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg, lavender, sage, and thyme: Come and experience the true and marvellous use of these classics of fine dining during our episodic journey through time and the history of seasoning and condiments.

How was the trade of such precious items like saffron and nutmeg carried out?  What were the benefits of the use of pepper and sage in medicine?  What were the dining habits of the Prince-Elector of Heidelberg Palace?. What spices did his personal court chef use, and how? A taste of spicy chocolates and “Schnaps” will round off the tour.

Following the tour of the museum, the adjacent historical Backhaus (German for bakehouse) will serve a delicious multi-course “spices and herbs” dinner custom-tailored to the tour.

For groups of at least 15 people, reservations must be made in advance.

Price (dinner and guided tour included): 99€ per person.

For information or booking please send an e-mail to or give us a call: 0049 (0)6221-25880